Selasa, 26 Juli 2016

The fries ala Si mbok

5 medium sized potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp salt
sufficient water to boil
100 gramte pung wheat
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 pack of chicken Masako
taste cooking oil +
Peel the potatoes then potong2 lengthwise , wash
Boil water , put the garlic and salt that is already in the pestle do not forget to enter her potatoes also his jgn yes bunsay Boil 5 minutes klamaan enough ajah

deh fry until cooked

Crispy Fried Potatoes Recipe

450 g potatoes
80 g cornstarch ( for sprinkling )
Salt to taste and broth +

Boil the potato half cooked , remove from heat. Peeled and cut ulceration, sprinkle cornstarch, salt and broth in the freezer simpen . At least 3 hours , fried smpe lift brownish sauce serve dg / mayonise .

French fries original taste

1/2 kgkentang
cooking oil
spicy seasoning sweet +
Peel the potatoes , then potong2 long shaped a little thin
Kentanh already in potonh soaked in water with a little salt while others cut potatoes .
Drain all the potatoes that are in pieces, heat the oil . If it is hot add the potatoes dry potato and fry until lightly browned.
Drain the potatoes which have been fried . Sprinkle seasoning spicy sweet . Potatoes ready to be served

Crispy french fries

3 potatoes
Wheat flour taste
Cold water +
Peel the potatoes , wash , cut length . Prepare a container of cold water and let me taste the salt . Soak potatoes. Enter a refrigerator ( - / + ) 10min .
Prepare another bowl , put the flour and flavorings , lg add cold water until slightly thickened , add the potatoes , fry until browned

Senin, 25 Juli 2016


4 eggs
150 grams of wheat flour triangle
200 grams of sugar
1/2 tsp SP
2 sachets of vanilla
150 ml cooking oil
2 tablespoons of powdered milk +
Mixer eggs , sugar , vanilla and SP until fluffy and creamy
Turn off the mixer , put the flour and milk powder sifted
Put cooking oil disposable spatula stir until well blended
Divide the dough is already finished and are colored according to taste
Cover the pan and into the dough , each color steamed approximately 10min
After bener2 mature prick test , remove, let cool and serve

Rainbow Cake Steamed 2

150 gr wheat blue triangle
190 gr sugar
4 eggs
150 grminyak
1 sdt.sp / tbm
3/4 tsp vanilla powder
1 sachets of powder Dancow
1 sachets SKM
food coloring +
Mixed into the container of flour, vanilla and powdered milk and set aside.
Beat eggs , sugar , until thick berjejak.turunkan sp sped past input mixer + milk + flour mixture alternately with powdered vanilla oil and SKM .
Turn off the mixer , stir behind using a spatula until the dough rata.bagi so some colors ( I cm there are 4 colors )
Coat a baking sheet with parchment paper , steamed dough ± 10 menitan after cold stacked and spread with butercream and decorate according to taste .

It feels soft mouthfeel .

Source : Cookpad dot com

Rainbow Cake Steamed

100 grams of flour proteins are being
150 gr sugar
150 grams of good quality cooking oil
1/2 tsp SP
1/2 tsp salt
4 eggs
some food coloring +
Beat eggs , sugar , SP with moderate speed mixer . beat until fluffy and stiff .
Enter the flour and salt, in the sifter . stir with a spatula ya ....
Then enter the cooking oil little by little . stir until smooth ya ....
After that the dough into pieces and fill it with masing2 .
Steamed each section on a baking sheet that has been spread with margarine and margarine bersemir given baking paper . for 10 minutes . do until the dough runs out .
Once it 's ready ... yummy

source : Cookpad dt com

Rainbow Cake

Rainbow Cake

7 pcsEggs
105 grTepung Wheat Protein Low
35 grMaizena
140 grSugar
140 grButter (melted)
45 mLFresh Milk
1 tbspEmulsifier
1/4 tspSalt
1/2 tspBaking Powder
Food Coloring (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Pink, Purple)
125 grHeavy Cream
250 grWhite Cooking Chocolate or Condensed Milk
250 grWhite Unsalted Butter or Butter
1/2 tspVanilla Extract
Buttercream + Rainbow Sprinkle
7 pcsLoyang Spherical diameter 10cm +
Ingredients: Beat eggs, flour, cornstarch, sugar, milk, emulsifier, salt, and baking powder until fluffy. Add the butter melts, stir until smooth turning.
For 7 batter as much and give masing2 food coloring and stir well.
Cover the bottom of the pan with baking paper and spread butter. Masing2 Pour the batter and bake at 180C until cooked. Set aside.
Filling: Beat the heavy cream until stiff and set aside in refrigerator. (If you use White Cooking Chocolate melt first, and chill at room temperature).
Beat the white butter or unsalted butter until soft, add the WCC or SKM and vanilla, beat well. Add Heavy Cream shake until blended.
Finishing: Perform chronologically: Purple - Filling - Pink - Filling - Blue - Filling - Green - Filling - Yellow - Filling - Orange - Filling - Red. To the outside surface of the cake, spread entirely by topping until smooth. Sprinkle it with sugar japan.

Bon spicy chili chips

2 cups flour
1 tablespoon margarine , I used blueband
1 tbsp garlic finely
3 tablespoons boncabe level 15
1/2 cup belimbingair or until the dough is smooth
salt to taste +
Mix flour , margarine , garlic fine , bon chilli , and salt . Then add water , knead until smooth
Once the dough is smooth for some parts of the pipihkan ( Can disposable glass bottles ) . If the dough sticks are given a sprinkling of flour yes, once considered quite thin slices and fry as desired
Remove, drain and remove the steam , after it was transferred into the jar . ready to be enjoyed

source : Cookpad dot com

Cassava chips Balado Spicy

500 GRM Cassava Thin slices
Ground spices:
200 GRM Cabe curly
50 GRM red Rawit
4 grains of red besarbawang
1 tsp salt
Seasonings sckp Rasa
3 tablespoons sugar +
Fried cassava to be to ripik crunchy and crisp . Drain
Spices blender until smooth . Stir-fry until fragrant
Then enter cassava chips . Blend with seasonings until well blended and well .
Lift. Chill . And store in an airtight jar .

source : Cookpad dot com

chips Shellfish

1 kg of wheat flour
10 tablespoons tapioca flour
taste flavor
sufficient water
oil for frying +

Mix the flour with flavorings add a little water to knead until the dough is smooth

Take a little dough until thin and roller

Patch with tapioca flour

Roll the dough like this

then potong2

Gilas again with a position like this


Gilas until thin like this

live fry

After finishing the fried be sown flavorings to make it more tasteful

Crispy chips Intestine

1/2 kg gut ( clean and dry )
100 gr rice flour
200 g of starch
2 siungbawang
taste turmeric
coriander to taste
salt +
Blend all the spices bumbu.rendam intestine approximately 15 minutes then drain
Mix the rice flour and cornflour in a container . add salt . then gulungkan intestine into the flour . fried to yellow to brown . ready to be served.
 by. cookpad

Minggu, 24 Juli 2016

Tempe Penyet Sambal Kencur

1 papantempe
red 5bawang
2bawang white
10cabai devil pepper ( to taste ya )
1 vertebra kecilkencur
sugar , salt and flavoring +
Cut the tempeh , with salt . Lali fried but not too dry yes . Set aside

Fry onion, garlic , chilli and cayenne pepper curls . Grind together kencur give sugar salt flavoring . Then put the basil .

Tempe, Tofu, Chicken and Sambal Ikan Asin Ala Penyet Lamongan

1 papantempe, cut into pieces
Bhtahu 5, 1 pc cut into 2
1/2 kgayam, cut into 7
1 mangkukikan salted chicken feathers
sauce ingredients:
6 red bhcabe
17 bhcabe pepper
4 bhtomat
6 red siungbawang
5 white siungbawang
8 btrkemiri roaster
1 red blokgula
7 bhterasi abc (small sachet)
secukupnyagaram, sugar and powdered mushroom broth
Fried tofu and tempeh seasoning:
1/4 sdtketumbar powder
1 siungbawang white
Fried chicken seasoning:
5 white siungbawang
1/4 sdtketumbar powder
1/2 ruaskunyit
3 lbrdaun orange
2 lbrdaun greetings
1 btgsereh
secukupnyagaram bouillon powder and stir
supplement ingredients: cucumber, cabbage and beans +

Fried tofu: Blend seasoning tempe and tofu give water a little stir. Then dg tempeh and tofu jerky seasoning and fry until crispy.

The fried chicken: fried chicken seasoning Blend and give enough water enter the chicken, bay leaves, lime leaves and lemongrass and ungkep up shrinking water. After that, fry chicken until crispy. Fried anchovies: Wash anchovies and fry until crispy.

Penyet sauce: Blend all sauce ingredients dg blender (time smoothing dg blender add oil to be easily grind). After a smooth pour the sauce into the wok and add oil to taste and cook until bubbling and correction of taste.

How to serve: put tempeh, tofu, chicken and salted fish fry and add sauce give complementary cucumber, cabbage and beans.

Tempe Penyet

1 papantempe , cut '
10 red buahcabe
5 buahcabe red pepper
1/4 sdtterasi , fuel
1/4 white siungbawang
Brown sugar
lime +
Marinate tempeh with salt water , then fried . Set aside
Puree red peppers , chili pepper , onion and shrimp paste. Add salt and brown sugar , puree back . Then put the lime juice . Sy sdh use 1/2 point enough. Last give 1 tablespoon of hot cooking oil ( ex- fried tempe create td ) . Puree again . Correction taste , then put on top tempe sambal , penyet " and serve with warm rice

Penyet tempe ( salty spicy chili paste ) no sugar

Seasoning fried tempeh
1 papantempe
5 white siungbawang puree
1 sdtmasako / salt
50 mlair
the oil for frying
Chili shrimp paste :
1 sdtterasi
25 bijicabe pepper
2 buah tomat sambal , iris2
1/2 sdtgaram / ​​Masako
Buahjeruk 1/2 lime
1 ikatkemangi +
Puree garlic , salt and water and then enter the tempeh pieces and set aside . while heat the oil for frying tempe
For sauces , fried tomato slices and set aside ... ulek / Puree chili, shrimp paste , salt , fried tomato slices . Then give the lime juice and grind flat .
Penyet fried tempeh sauce over shrimp and sprinkle with basil ... tempe penyet ready to be served and enjoyed with vegetables along with warm rice


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